Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reasoning and 4 days off of steroids, October 14th, 2013

Someone recently asked me what is the point of all this? Will it eventually go away? I guess that is something that I should address.

First understand that the withdrawal is not a quick thing that happens. NOT AT ALL. This can take from 6 months to 3 years for full healing to happen. Granted, it is also important to understand that just because you are not fully healed does not mean that you will not get breaks in the problems that I listed a few blogs ago. You can have breaks that last from a few days to a few weeks to a few months. And then you can have a flare all of a sudden. You can also have a flare for a few days, weeks or months. It really is different for every person. It depends on factors such as length of use (people can become addicted within weeks of use), strength of use and so on.

We all hope that it will not be that bad and that maybe, just maybe our kids or even ourselves are not addicted to this drug. But often times a person is and then they have to go through this.

Our hope is that as we help Bubba Fett withdrawal from this damaging drug that his skin will heal. That over time his allergies will heal because his skin is no longer broken and inflamed. The skin is so important in protecting us. When it is constantly open that means that allergens can come in through the blood stream. When it is introduced in that way your body can become allergic to the substance.

Does that make since? When the skin is addicted to the topical steroids it can cause steroid induced eczema. This is because the skin is craving and calling out for the steroid in the only way it can.... in the form of eczema and skin issues. If your body is allowed to withdrawal from this drug then it will no long have the severe steroid induced eczema. A person may still have some dry skin or eczema in normal places but they will NOT have the full body eczema that effects a persons function in everyday life.

Now... on to pictures from the 4th day off of steroids. Not to bad.

See the difference from the last next picture in the last blog? 

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